Welcome to CNY Genealogy

Do you have a physical hard copy of your family history book? If not, then it didn't happen!!!

OK, just kidding.......but why do all that research that no one will ever see?

I am a genealogist located in Central New York near Syracuse, New York and I have over 30 years of family history research experience and I would love to help you research your family tree. But you should definitely read the "My Philosophy" section of this website to understand my approach. If you don't agree with it, you should probably find and work with a different genealogist.

For anyone not starting from scratch, if you just need help with a brick wall or a local look up at a Central New York location (ie. a local court house, cemetery, historical society, etc) I would be be happy to help with that too.

And if you do your own research and just need help creating a physical book, I can do that too!